Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Spring is here! ...For real this time! :D

I was about to write: "Throwing up som pics...", but that doesnt sound very good, does it! xD
I just wanted to show some pics I took of the sun today, but I ended up sharing some more.
Iiih! It's so warm outside! :D I heard it's gonna snow this week, but I dont think it will, not with this weather. And if it does snow, it wont last anyway.

About 6 a.m. this morning, sun's allready up! :)

Waiting for the bus, more sun <3

Right now from the tree deck...

Newspaper said that it will get really hot soon! So - soon time for shorts! :D 
(But then the other newspaper said it would get really cold again).

My latest "running-outside-quick-to-take-a-photo-of-the-pretty-sky" -pics!

Some time ago we planted alot of seeds :) and more will come! The radishes and tomatoes needs new flowerpots soon... poor things! My friend has millions of flower- & veggie-seeds, so there will be even more after she donate some of those :D

Moa using her toy as a pillow <3 

Easter we spent with dad and family and cousins etc. Took some pics of his trophies and stuff :) I love them.

Got a price for shooting a huge wild boar with huge tusks.

Price for bad-ass horns!

Mr. Fox

Mr. Buzzard (...I think it's called)

Mr. Horned/Eared Owl

Done with the pics! For now :D
I got my little drawer home last night and will redecorate a little tonight... if I feel I have the strenght for it. Zzzz... Anywho, more pics after!


  1. I love the taxidermy!! I've always wanted a Great Horned Owl but they're hard to come by over here, owls being protected and all. And the antler collection - awesome!! I'm grinning like an idiot!!!

    Yesterday was beautiful but today we're back to snow. You're right though, it doesn't last long at this time of year. I'm even thinking of getting my snow tires taken off next week. Ha!

    1. Haha xD yeh, It's indeed awesome! Hmm, I think some owls might be protected here too now, the one dad has is really old, so that might be why he got his.

      Aw, hope it goes away untill tomorrow.
      Haha, my dad did that the other week, so proud of using his summer tires.. and then it snowed the next day, lol, so poor him had to change back. But the law says you can use summer tires now after april the 1st :) Is it the same over there?

    2. You know, they really should have a law over here that people MUST have winter tires, but they don't. Which is why it's scary driving here in the winter, because of all the fools who insist their summer tires are just fine, and then can't stop at the intersections! :P

    3. Uhm yea, that would be a great, haha xD

  2. Iiiiih våren är här!!! Gotta löv it :)

    *vrålar som en apa på zoo*
    God damn it....jag är nog för blödig för att ha sådant på väggen.
    Coolt men samtidigt skrämmande.

    1. Haha, dina liknelser är bra dom! ;P

      Ja, jag trodde också jag skulle vara det, men när jag tänker efter så vet jag att dessa djuren levde ett fritt liv i vildmarken... och lyckliga (antar man). xD
      Så det känns helt OK att käka det som står på pappas bord också! :D

      Anywho, inte levt i ett slakthus eller i bur, var vad jag ville komma fram till!

      Hmmm... fast sen har vi ju de stunder där man är helt paranoid/sinnessjukt rädd för det okända... jag hade nog inte velat ha något annat uppstoppat än fåglar om jag tänker efter, haha

    2. haha det är ju det jag menar. döingar på väggen. Spökar för en mitt i natten. aliens i källaren iiiih

  3. Mm vår. Men folk åker fortfarande slalom här :) och jag ligger med magsjuka i finfina vädret :P
    Vilken jägare din far är!! Finfina trofeer

    1. Det hade han blivit glad av att höra! :D Så tack!

      Aaw, det suger ju. Hoppas du blir bra snart igen och kan avnjuta solen utomhus :)
      Hehe, jag älskar snö, skulle vilja prova åka skidor! Men inte just nu, nu ska det vara sol och blommor :D

  4. Så skönt med vår!!!

    När du odlar tomater, köper du frön då eller tar du frön från tomaterna du har? :D

    1. Indeed! :)
      Jag köpte faktiskt fröer billigt på Netto och Ö&B, men fröerna ser ut som om de kommer direkt ur en tomat, så nästa år (eller senare till våren) ska jag prova att ta från en tomat! Går säkert lika bra det :)
      Paprika gör man ju alltid så med, jag iallafall, samlar fröer så det blir översvämning av dem xD
