Saturday, September 14, 2013

The other cabinet is in place, finally!

We needed to make holes in the back for the cords and stuff before we moved it into place. It was a pain in the ass without proper tools, but finally we got it done! ^^

The moose got his own place now too.
I love the mix of old and new!

 I knew this was the perfect spot for my big pinecone, along with the
smaller ones... & candle holders. :)
I cant describe how happy I was when I found that huge pinecone in the woods! :D

 Handmade candle holders, second hand. :)

Today is a sunny and beautiful autumn-day! After taking a shower, I'll see if there's time to go for a walk in the forest with the dogs - before dad arrives for BBQ'ing! Probably the last one this year.


  1. Tadaa! Vad snyggt!! Åh nu vill jag verkligen byta ut lavoaren mot en såndär, sideboard eller var den kallas.

    1. Tack! Blev jättenöjd! :D
      Gör det! Det ryms väldigt mycket i den, så den är perfekt som TV-bänk om man har en massa spelkonsoler. ;)
      Det kan nog vara lönsamt att besöka en second hand som tar hand om dödsboenden, för vi får in såna här stora skåp och sideboards/skänkar ganska ofta. Blocket har också en del har jag sett, men då är det lite dyrare såklart.

  2. I love the cabinet and the moosehead! Pinecones always add a nice touch, I love the little ones!

    1. Thank u! :) Yeah, there's something autumny about those pinecones. <3

  3. I guess you were excited when you found that pinecone - it's a monster! I saw a picture of a basket yesterday where they'd glued rows of pinecones around the basket on the outside. I think that's next on the Crafting To Do List (as if it's not already long enough!) ;P

    So much better than a traditional TV stand - so much better! :D

    1. I was! :D Never seen one that big before.
      Oh, sounds pretty, and I know exactly what you mean, I keep my to do-list in my head, but cant remember half of it, so I think I need to start writing things down!

      And I totally agree! ;P

  4. Hahh, it's always interesting when you combine antique and natural looking or wooden furniture with modern stuff like a huge flat screen, I love the contrast. There something similat going on in my apartment as well, except that I don't have the awesome throphy...and our furnture is a lot less classy...:P

    1. Indeed! This combo really opened my eyes for mixing old and new. :D It's pretty awesome!
      Ah, well if you feel like you're missing something, visit a second hand or a flea market - so much fun stuff that you cant find in a regular store! And it's cheap. :)

  5. Vilka fina ljusstakar,ser ut som keramik eller? Riktigt snygga i alla fall.
    Kram Annika

    1. Tack! Yes, det är keramik, som ser ut att vara målad med vanlig färg. :)

  6. Det blev ju perfekt :D riktigt mysigt med kottarna där också. Höst <3

    1. Visste blev det! :D Precis vad jag tänkte när jag la ut kottarna där... höst!
