Friday, September 6, 2013

A second go with henna!

Me and sis are having fun this weekend. Playing with henna-goo! :D
I have a not-so-pretty growth and I need to henna my whole hair again since the first coloring didnt stick that well. Plus I want it more red.

Camilla colored her hair with henna from Lush, "Caca Rouge". It doesnt make your hair as red as pure henna powder, so she is going for a second application too. This time with the same stuff I used. 
The more henna you use, the better you hair gets. :)

Smelly shinies

We're mixing the goo tonight, so that it can sit for 12 hours. So the fun begins tomorrow morning, woho! Not. Atleast it's fun afterwards with a new shiny haircolor. :)

Oh, and I bought some shampoo & conditioner, pretty expensive for my taste, but I had to try it. It's all organic and stuff. :) Used it last night and my hair is allready much softer than before, and it doesnt look like a dry, fluffy ball anymore when I have it in a ponytail. Hurray! 

Update coming when we're done coloring!

For now, some more Dexter. <3