That sounds weird in english. ^^
Google said it is also called Paleolithic diet. Tho, the name "Stone Age diet" feels more foolproof, so let's call it that!
Sick of looking like a big blob, so I'm gonna try this diet. Just a few years back I was not fat, I just had some more fat than "normal" and I was happy with that. :) Of course it depends on how you look at things, "normal" to me might be "fat" for someone else.
But who cares, I'm doing this for me, no one else!
The Stone Age diet makes alot of sence to me. Eating just meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, nuts and berries cant go wrong. It's all natural. Going to eat all the veggies & fruit raw.
Also - no more dairy products. I'm drinking coffee with coconut milk right now... it tastes like it would do with not enough coffee cream, with a little sting of coconut. ^^ I can live with that! Or I might go for a little milk in the coffee, because I only drink about 3-4 cups a day. Depends on if I get all the minerals and vitamins etc. with this diet. I guess we'll have to see...
This is a photo of me (with my aunt & Tikka the dog) when I spent that week at dads' place. I know I'm fat, I have a mirror, :P but it really is a reality check when you see yourself on photos! Especially from behind!
Being fat does not mean your not beautiful - But my bodyfat really sits in all the wrong places! xD
Picking berries. :)
So from this afternoon and forward - No sugar, no grains & bread, no milk, not even salt... And so on!
Went shopping for foods today, so I guess that's why it felt like a good day to start. :)
Going to freeze some coconutmilk in cute, little boxes, or it will get bad in the fridge.
Todays dinner :) With a glass of lemon water.
(This camera is NOT my friend! *sigh* Taking all blurry photos... )
I'm going to modify the diet a tiny bit. This is pastrami with spices already on it. The Stone Age diet is really about eating low-fat-meat. But hey, you buy what your wallet allows you to! ^^
I'm going to loose weight either way since it's a complete change of diet.
As it is today I eat candy, chocolate & icecream several times a week!
So yeah... Good luck to myself! I really hope I can do this without killing someone when I crave sugar! :D