Wednesday, August 27, 2014

I just have to! my tiny weightloss and my shrinking waist! :D
I've been on LCHF / Primal Paleo now for 9 days. Woo! And today I measured myself etc.
-2,5 cm from the waist and -1,2 kilos. *PAT MYSELF*
I'm doing it. And I even eat chocolate at weekends. Last friday I ate an entire pizza. Oops.
But hey, the journey continues the day after that.
Previously when I've been "doing" LCHF and what not - I just gave up right after I ate some sugar. I thought - "Might aswell eat bread now, I've already screwed things up!".
Now I have the strenght (or whatever) to continue, even if I screw it up.

Except the pizza I have eaten no bread at all, no potatoes, no rice, no pasta. And I dont miss it one bit.
Maybe except a sandwich every now and then - but then I'll just shove my face full of the good stuff instead = cheese, soft cheese, ham, tomato, butter etc. So that's probably what I'm after when I crave a sandwich - the yummy stuff on top of it. ^^

I'm good!

Next week it's time for that shopping-spree. Yay!

(From tumblr)

I want brown leather boots.


  1. These are beautiful, inspiring pictures! I love the second one! I would like brown boots too.

    I couldn't live without potatoes, they are my life! lol.

    1. I love them too! God bless tumblr, haha.

      Ah, but atleast potatoes are growing in the ground and are not made in a lab! ;D

  2. Det är ju egentligen pålägget man vill åt på en macka :D. Bra jobbat

    1. Tack tack! Ja, det är nog det... kombon ost och smör är nog bäst. :P

  3. Hahh, I want brown boots too! :D

    Cheese, fries, pasta, pizza, chinese, gingerbread, coffee...I can't give up all those delicious tastes either; Plus I'm generally grumpier and bitchier if I don't get to eat whatever I want, so I guess, the people around me would rather have me chubby, than nagging anyway...:P Aaaw...never mind me, congrats on the weight loss!! :))

    1. Hahah, well, maybe it also depends on if you have a weight problem or not. Or how you see yourself etc. You look fine - eat what you want! ;D
      Aah, soon gingerbreads, soon! X-mas in 4 months!
      And thanks! :P

  4. Hey, congrats! The hardest part is continuing on after a binge ... good for you that you can do that rather than giving up! :)

    Don't you just love fall? New boots and sweaters!

    1. Thank you! ;D Yeah, I'm not sure what I'm doing different this time, but it works!

      Yes! I just hope I will find some nice, fluffy sweaters. Being picky is not easy, lol.

  5. Vill också ha bruna läderboots! Men investerade i bruna vandringskängor istället ;)

    Svar: Ska bara ha tid (läs ta mig tid) att fixa bilder och blogga om allt som ska bloggas om haha. Ja det är himla fint! Gillar horn <3

    1. Ooh, lite mer behövligt där du bor nu. ;D

      Det får ju ta den tid det tar. Jag hade själv inte spenderat så mycket tid framför datorn om jag bott sådär fint. ^^

    2. Ja, verkligen! Får köpa snygga, men inte praktiska, skor sen när jag har något överskott av pengar (hah..) :P Ja nä det är svårt att motivera sig att gå in och jobba framför datorn ;_; Men måste emellanåt!

      Svar: Tack fina du! :) Hm vet inte hur många grader, mest morgnar och kvällar som börjar kännas lite mer rå/friska. På dagarna är det skönt och de lovar ju en varm höst, en “indiansommar” så vi får väl se hur mycket vi behöver elda framöver ;P
