Tuesday, April 15, 2014

No money = depressed!

The diet & thoughts!
I think this goes for most people out there.
Somehow this month turned out really poor... And yet we had more money than we tought we would have? Plus, we have only bought food... well, not as much candy as usual anyway. ;P And this crap makes me sad. I have most things I need to continue my diet, but I dont feel like it...or atleast I didnt feel like it yesterday - I cheated all day long.
Today - I've been good!
My mood goes up and down. As soon as we get money again, I will feel completly fine, buy some candy, shove that in my face - then be back on my diet!
I only wish that I would have that attitude right now, instead of later.

So after all - I would'nt call this my "Attack Phase". But! If it turns out I have continued to lost weight, I will not have -yet another- Attack Phase for 10 days. Maybe a few 5 days will do the trick. Because I need some veggies!

But this is only how I think and feel NOW... I will probably have another oppinion about it tomorrow. *Sigh*

When I do something, I have to do it right, no exceptions. I think that is why I keep doing what I do with this diet... instead of just going with it and be fine with what I've already lost in weight...

Maybe Catta can beat some sence in me when she comes visit this weekend. <3

Me, Catta and Camilla - ze sister! - All started our journey to get blonde hair! :D Yay!
We are all natural blondes, but not as light as we would want. Plus, me and Camilla needed to get rid of our henna. Catta started out black and has come a long way since we started.

Here's a sneakpeak on my hair after the first set of highlights. :) 
We did another go a week ago and will continue until all the orange is gone!
I lost a few balls of hair during this first bleach... Depend's bleach is not to play with apparantly. But hey, it went from copper to silver! ;D
And I can afford to loose a little hair. No biggie. Not yet anyway...

It looks a little zebra-ish about 2 inches from the top, because I got most henna/indigo-mix there, it refuses to bleach - instead it turns grey/blue/green - but I WILL bleach it! -.-


  1. svar: fina/härliga morgnar är de bästa! Jag har gjort ett par egna, några med fjädrar jag hittat ute, några med fjädrar jag köpt. hemmagjort är bäst!

  2. Dieter är jävligt tråkiga och man måste pressa sig till att fortsätta.
    You can do this!!!
    Jag fuskar hela tiden och inte fan orkar jag gå ut och gå långa rundor
    efter praktiken och det känns jobbigt som fan.
    Idag däckade jag på soffan en timme.
    Sover aldrig på soffan annars.
    Jag tar med en blekning till helgen och hårinpackning.

    Usch ja denna månaden is crappy med cash..i hate it :'(

    1. Jag vet! Det går så jävla bra i början... sen femte dagen så var det "meh".
      Sen går det upp o ner, varför finns det onyttig mat!? Fyfan för samhället!

      Gör det! Ska köra en lätt blekning på Camilla också, pärlblond. Och mor ska bli röd/brun igen. VI har ju 4 dagar på oss. ;)

  3. Lack of money can really suck, hope things get better! Your hair looks pretty great, and not fried, you must be doing it right somehow!

    1. Indeed it can!
      Thanks! I think the fried parts fell off, haha, now it's just dry. ^^ I use alot of coconut oil in my hair, maybe that's it. :)

  4. :( livet suger när man är fattig och godissugen. men du, imorgon är en bättre dag. Kram <3

    1. Det gör det verkligen! :P
      Och det har du alldeles rätt i - tänk att det alltid ordnar sig, hur man än gör?!

  5. Aaaw...money generally makes me depressed. I simply hate it. Money, I mean. Seriously, it takes the fun out of living...:/

    Anyway, I'm kinda late with my comment, but I hope you're feeling better already. Despite the snappy comment about money, I know what you mean; it's such a nuisance, but if you dont have money, it sucks...:/
    Your hair looks awesome, I love the zebra - ish effect. ^^

    1. I totally agree. I often wonder how life would be without any money... I would probably live in the woods, growing everything myself. Doesn't sound that bad! ^^ But then there's "this" and "that".

      Anywho! Thanks. :D I dont dig that zebra effect at all, so that is going away in a few weeks. ^^
